A: "Excuse me. Do you know the way to the zoo?" B: "No, I'm sorry I don't." A: "Well, it's two blocks this way, then one block to the left."

Son: Give me money for gym Mom: Will you become John Cena by going to the gym? Son: Am I becoming Einstein by going to school?

Interviewer: Introduce yourself Boy: My father’s name is Laughing Boy: My mother’s name is Smiling Interviewer: Are you kidding? Boy: No, he’s my cousin and I’m Joking.

A: "I was born in California." B: "Which part?" A: "All of me."

John: Bro I’ve invited 17 people to watch a movie, would you come? Bro: ok John, but why so many people? John: Because the DVD said “Only 18+ viewers.” Bro: Wait, what?