What was Forrest Gump's email password? 1forrest1

How do you know a man is really a bad dancer? When he can still step on Dolly Parton's toes.

What famous painting do cows love to look at? The Moona Lisa.

What do you get when you cross Billy Ray Cyrus with a yeast infection? An itchy, twitchy twat!

A man walks into a bar on the top floor of a skyscraper. He sits down and orders a beer. After taking a drink he sees the guy next to him go over to the window and jump out! "Holy cow! Did you see that!? That guy just jumped out the window!" The bartender does nothing. So the man takes another sip. A minute later the same guy walks in, orders another drink, chugs it, and jumps out the window again. "Jesus! He just jumped again!" The bartender ignores the man. So the man sits puzzled. The guy comes back into the bar, and orders another drink. "How did you survive that jump?" ... read more