Just One Question

Just One Question One Day a scholar came to the court of Emperor Akbar and challenged Birbal to answer his questions and thus prove that he was as clever as people said he was. He asked Birbal: "Would you prefer to answer a hundred easy questions or just a single difficult one?" Both the emperor and Birbal had had a difficult day and were impatient to leave. "Ask me one difficult question," sad Birbal. "Well, then, tell me," said the man, "which came first into the world, the chicken or the egg?" "The chicken," replied Birbal. "How do you know?" asked the scholar, a note o ... read more

Colorful Bird

Colorful Bird Akbar was very fond of birds. One day a bird catcher came to his kingdom . He had a very colorful bird. The Bird catcher said to Emperor Akbar that this bird is not only colorful like a peacock, but it can dance also like him and also fly. The Bird catcher was immediately rewarded with 50 gold coins. He left the kingdom in a hurry. When the bird catcher had gone Birbal said to Emperor - "This bird cannot dance like a peacock and it has not bathed for many months." Birbal further suggested - "Let me give it a bath." and asked for a glass of water. When Birbal gave the bat ... read more

Akbar is Greater than God

Akbar is Greater than God Once a merchant came to Akbar's court and praised him a lot as he wanted to Akbar to sign a trade agreement with a neighboring country. He was praising him a lot as he wanted to impress him, but in a short while he noticed that the Emperor was not impressed at all with his praises. So he thought of another way to impress him. He shouted - "O Emperor, You are greater than even God." and sat quietly to notice the effect of his words. Birbal was also listening to all this and was anticipating some kind of trouble out of this praise. So his brain stated working ahea ... read more

Akbar's Dream

Akbar's Dream One night, Emperor Akbar dreamt that he had lost all his teeth, except one. The next morning he invited all the astrologers of his kingdom to interpret this dream. After a long discussion, the astrologers prophesized that all his relatives would die before him. Akbar was very upset by this interpretation and so sent away all the astrologers without any reward. Later that day, Birbal entered the court. Akbar related his dream and asked him to interpret it. After thinking for a while Birbal replied that the Emperor would live a longer & more fulfilled life than any of hi ... read more

Birbal Identifies Thief

Birbal Identifies Thief It so happened that once a rich merchant's house was robbed. The merchant suspected that the thief was one of his servants. So he went to Birbal and mentioned the incident. Birbal went to his house and assembled all of his servants and asked that who stole the merchant's things. Everybody denied. Birbal thought for a moment, then gave a stick of equal length to all the servants of the merchant and said to them that the stick of the real thief will be longer by two inches tomorrow. All the servants should be present here again tomorrow with their sticks. All the ... read more