“Sometimes the Measure Of Friendship Isn’t Ur Ability 2 Not Harm But Ur Capacity 2 4give Things Done 2 U & Ask 4giveness 4 Ur Own Mistakes”

Saying 'Sorry' may have become just another 'Word'; But with tears in eyes, it means the 'World' to everybody! I am sorry!!!

Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth...But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called Relationship..!!!

Why Do I Always Forgive You? I Let You Call Me So Many Names, I Let You Treat Me Like Dirt, Yet I’m Still Your Friend...Am I Stupid? Or Am I A Good Friend?

Never be too proud to apologies...A heartfelt “I am sorry” can solve most of our problems...It’s really true…Don’t let ego get in the way...