Life is at its weakest When There’s more Doubt than trust But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust In spite of The doubts …
7 Rules to be happy in life:- 1) Never hate, 2) Don’t worry, 3) Live simple, 4) Expect a little, 5) Give a lot, 6) Always smile, 7) And keep in touch with GOD.
Life is a rope That swings us through hope..Always believe today is better than yestrday And Tomorrow will be much better than today.
Don’t Depress urself in any moment of life..Live it with a face full of smile..Why waste time crying when you know you are here just for a while…!
Life is a journey that is not meant to be made safely..I want to live my life in a way, That when i get really old, I look back at my life and say: Aah i lived it, not survived it.