I have a pair of eyes but cannot see you everyday..I have a pair of ears but cannot hear your voice all the time..But I have only one heart that cares for you all the time..Happy Valentine's Day..Dear..

You Are perfect in My Eyes..Sometimes too Good to be True...I couldn't believe My Eyes First Time looked at you! You Are perfect in my eyes..What i say is true..and i 'm longing for the day..When i'll be perfect to you.. !!

Even though we are not together this Valentines Day but i'll be with you wherever you go..Love you always.You have opened the doors of my heart..Now it's for you to walk through it.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart..It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

The Day You Came In My Life, I Felt You As My Best 0ne..I Judged You Not By Your Beauty or Tone, But Because I Felt You As My 0wn..Be With Me Forever.. !