HERE IS A FREE HUG FOR YOU! Keep it going by passing this hug on to your friends. Enjoyable Hug Day for U....

Meaning of Hugs:- H- appy feelings shared, U- niversally warm & fuzzy, G- reat 2 give & 2 receive, S- ure 2 make anyone’s day...I hope this “HUG” Makes ur day brighter.

If you hesitate when I hold ur hand, i will let you go. If you run away when I give you a kiss, i will let you go. But once you let me give you a hug, just once… I will never let you go.

Alone? I’ll be ur shadow..Want to cry? Here’s my shoulder..Need a hug? I’ll hold you tight..Bcoz where ur strength ends, My worth of being ur love begins.

A hug delights and warms and charms, That must be why God gave us arms.