Never Disparage Others Dangers
Once a flock of sheep was grazing in a field of grass. Suddenly, a deer came there and began grazing there. Some sheep saw it and began to bleat.
Hearing his bleat, the shepherd got alert and looked at the flock closely. Seeing the deer, he went up to it and lifted it in his arms. He then carried it to a butcher.
The deer seeing that it's death was near started barking out of terror and struggled to be free.
The sheep saw the deer making a fuss and rebuked it saying, "Why this to-do, after all? Our master often catches us like that and drags us off too. But we never make any fuss.
" The deer replied, "You don't know what this to-do is for? Your master catches you only for wool but I have been caught for my flesh." Never make light of the danger others are in.