Two Friends and the Bear

Two Friends and the Bear Once there were two fast friends in a village. Their names were Raju and Ramu. One day both of them set out on a journey. They-promised to help each other in trouble. Their way lay through a forest. As they were passing through a forest, they saw a big bear. The bear was coming towards them. They were much frightened to see such a deadly sight. Ramu at once climbed up a nearby tree to save his life. He was unaware of his friend's safety. Raju did not know how to climb up a tree. But he was wise and intelligent. He had heard that bears do not touch the dead. So he lay on the ground, held his breath and appeared to be dead. The bear came near him and sniffed the whole body of Raju. Thinking him dead, he went away. When the bear had gone quite far Raju got on his feet. Ramu also came down the tree. He asked Raju to tell him what the bear had whis­pered in his ear. Raju said that the bear had advised him to beware of false friends like him. Moral: Beware of false friends or do not lose your wits.