HUMANS fall in love, that’s normal………..COWS eat grass, that’s ok……..BUT when……..MONKEYS can press mobile keypads! INCREDIBLE!…..STILL PRESSIN! UNBELIEVABLE!!Happy April Fool

31st March Or 1st April, Fool is Fool does not matter...Wishing very haPPyee, prosperous & joyful Fool Day 2 the King of Foolssss.. :)

So Sweet is ur SMILE???so Sweet is ur STYLE???so Sweet is ur VOICE???so Sweet is ur EYE?????see …….how Sweetly I LIE..Happy April Fool..

If today anyone talks & admires u 4 ur -good looks, nature, style, attitude, Kick him/her off...How dare he/she fool u before april 1st... ;-)

Dear Friend,I am surprised at your wit, your intellect, your wisdom and your knowledge..But more importantly, I am surprised at my false praise of you!Happy All Fools' day!